Plans submitted for residential development in Loughrea town centre

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Plans have been submitted for a residential development in the town centre of Loughrea on Abbey Street.

MP Young Developments is seeking planning permission to build five houses across two unused back garden areas which will face onto Abbey Street in Loughrea.

The development will consist of three 2-bed houses and two 3-bed houses with a shared communal space, private open space, and car parking.

The planning application states that this development “will offer new life to the town centre and utilise lands which have become over the years unused, and shall present a welcome addition to the local environment”.

Ministerial consent had to be sought for this project due to its proximity to Loughrea’s medieval town defences, a protected national monument.

The site for this residential development is 6m south of The Walks which make up part of the town’s medieval history.

The Walks are an 18th century promenade which runs from east to west along the northern limits of the medieval town.

An Archaeological report was prepared for this application by Anne Carey, Archaeological Consultant.

Eight excavation trenches were dug on the site as part of the pre-planning process which yielded no finds of archaeological significance according to the report.

The report recommended further archaeological works be carried out to the north of the site.

The National Monuments Service said that these are approved if the development is likely to disturb that area. But if not, then they aren’t required.

Galway county council is due to make a decision on this planning application by June 6.