Dozens of watchful eyes attached to trees in local children’s park

galway trees have eyes
“The Trees have Eyes” Deputy Mayor Cllr. Donal Lyons officially launched “The Trees have Eyes” Project on Friday the 12th April. Pictured at the launch in Children’s Millennium Park is artist Bernadette Bradley along with participants from both the Cape and Westside Youth Projects, Amy and Jodie. PHOTOGRAPH BY AENGUS MC MAHON

Twenty-three surveillance sculptures will cast their watchful eyes on visitors to Children’s Millenium Park in a creative new anti-litter initiative.

The Trees have Eyes Project was launched on Friday by Deputy Mayor Cllr. Donal Lyons and included young people from two youth groups in Galway.

Cape Youth Project and Westside Youth Project took part several art workshops led by artist Bernadette Bradley and twenty-three fun scuptures can now be found around the park.

Research suggests our behaviour when we are being watched is very different to when we are acting unobserved.

The aim of the initiative is that the presence of animated junk will encourage park goers to pick up after themselves.

All the pieces were created using recycled materials, including paper boxes, plastic bottles, lids and tops. Jigsaw pieces, corks, coloured glass pieces, lampshades, CDs and CD racks, car tyres, metals, curtain poles, chairs, a gramophone speaker and a vast assortment of electronic junk.

“The Trees have Eyes”
Deputy Mayor Cllr. Donal Lyons officially launched “The Trees have Eyes” Project on Friday the 12th April. Pictured at the launch in Children’s Millennium Park is artist Bernadette Bradley along with participants from both the Cape and Westside Youth Projects. PHOTOGRAPH BY AENGUS MC MAHON
Pictured at the launch in Children’s Millennium Park is artist Bernadette Bradley along with participants from both the Cape and Westside Youth Projects, Firdaws, Tina and Marianka. PHOTOGRAPH BY AENGUS MC MAHON
Pictured at the launch in Children’s Millennium Park is artist Bernadette Bradley along with participants from both the Cape and Westside Youth Projects, Hannah and Nicole. PHOTOGRAPH BY AENGUS MC MAHON