1,200 elderly people still waiting for homecare in West

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A legal entitlement to homecare packages would take some pressure off Accident and Emergency departments by reducing the number of delayed discharge patients.

That is according to Galway City West candidate John Crowley, who called for Sláintecare to be implemented without delay.

The Social Democrats candidate said that there are 1,200 elderly people currently waiting for homecare packages in the West of Ireland.

Crowley said: “Public policy aspires to keep people in their own homes as long as possible but what good is that approach if our government can’t even provide them with the homehelp they require.

“At more than 6,000 on the waiting list nationwide this has become a scandal our elected officials can no longer hide from.

“Our elderly citizens deserve better.”

Crowley said that Simon Harris announcing 550 additional homecare packages in response to 6,000 on waiting lists is ‘nothing short of insulting’.

“It makes little to no sense for the government to be dragging their heels on this as a nursing home or hospital bed would cost 10 times the amount as Homecare.

I’m also sure older people would prefer to remain part of their communities,” added John Crowley.