New permanent flood relief scheme to support Galway businesses

Galway Daily news Funding awarded for flood mitigation works in Monivea

A new permanent flood relief scheme will be of great support to businesses and community groups in Galway, according to a Galway East TD.

Minister Ciaran Cannon has said that the Government yesterday approved the establishment of a permanent flood relief scheme for small businesses, community, voluntary and sporting bodies affected by flooding.

Minister Cannon said: “A new permanent flood relief scheme will be of great support to businesses and community groups in Galway, helping them to deal with the aftermath of the flood events we know will become increasingly common.

“My Fine Gael colleagues, the Minister with responsibility for Defence, Paul Kehoe, and Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys, sought Cabinet approval for the measure … and I am delighted that it has been given the green light.

“The target group for this scheme are sole traders and small businesses with a small number of employees, as well as voluntary, community and sporting bodies.

“It will be demand-led when these groups experience flood damage as a consequence of a severe weather event to their premises and where they have been refused flood insurance.

“Successful applicants will receive a ‘quick’ payment which will be capped at an upper limit of €5,000.

“While the cap of €5,000 is likely to meet the requirements of the majority of applicants there is scope for a further payment of up to €15,000 after a more detailed assessment of the loss incurred.”