5k swim to take place this weekend to raise much needed funds for charity

5k swim for charity galway daily

A 5 kilometre swim will take place this Saturday, November 24, to raise much-needed funds for Hand in Hand the National Children’s Cancer Charity.

This is the 5th year the Predator Triathlon Club and the Kingfisher in Renmore have organized a 5 kilometre swim for charity.

So far, they have raised over €19,000 for organizations including the GUH Cancer Patient Comfort Fund, Aware and Galway Hospice.

“We are over the moon that they selected us as their chosen charity for this event,” said Jennifer Carpenter, Service Manager at Hand in Hand. “The support this event will provide will allow us to continue to help even more families.”

Members of the public are welcome to attend and encourage the swimmers on their monumental challenge.

There will be tea, coffee and cakes available on the evening; and everyone is welcome to show their support for the organizers and the chosen charity.

The swim will take place from 6 – 10 pm this Saturday in the Kingfisher Club Renmore, Galway.