Simpsons Quiz at the Black Gate

Galway News - What's On - Simpsons Quiz at the Black Gate

Simpsons Quiz

Are you a massive Simpsons fan but need some way to prove it to all of Galway?

Well then look no further than the first-ever Simpsons Quiz (trivia hole) at the Black Gate Cultural Centre on Tuesday, 20 November at 8pm.

Galway News - What's On - Simpsons quiz trivia hole

The quiz runners say:

“Every time you learn something new does it push some old stuff out of your brain?

“Is that old stuff mostly Simpsons trivia?

“Then learn no more, and cease embiggening your horizons, for we have a use for your perfectly cromulent brain.

“There will be great prizes, wine, cheese, fun people and the perfect outlet for your overabundance of Simpsons trivia.”

The quiz material will be mostly from seasons 1-10 (for obvious reasons).

€20 per table and eternal glory (plus prizes) to the winners.

Go on, give it a go!

The Black Gate Cultural Centre is located at 14 Francis Street.