Gardaí seize €33,000 in drugs and cash seized in Gort raid

Galway Daily news Just 11 new Gardaí assigned to North-Western Region for newly sworn group

Gardaí in Galway seized more than €33,000 worth of cannabis, cocaine, and cash during a raid in Gort this week.

Gardaí from the Divisional Drugs Unit searched a home in Gort on Wednesday, January 15.

During the search of the house, €10,470 in cash was found, along with cocaine with an estimated street value of €700.

A further search located cannabis valued at €20,000, along with another €2,100 of cocaine.

A male in his late teens was arrested and detained at a Garda Station in Co Galway under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984 and subsequently released without charge pending further investigations.