Samaritans call on Galway to support Longest Night holiday campaign


Samaritans in Galway are calling on the public to support its Longest Night campaign which reminds those struggling to cope that its helpline is open during their darkest hours this Christmas.

Businesses and landmarks are being urged to light up in green on Saturday, December 21 – the Winter Solstice – to show people Samaritans are here for them during the long dark nights.

Members of the public can also support by lighting a candle on the night or turning their lights green.

Samaritans want to remind anyone who is finding the festive season difficult to reach out and not struggle in silence.

Damien, Branch Director at Galway Samaritans, said, “While December is marketed as the ‘happiest time of the year’, we know that’s not the case for everyone. This time of year can be difficult for all sorts of reasons.”

“On top of the challenges people face throughout the year, which don’t just take a break for Christmas, there’s an added financial burden, expectation to appear happy, spending time with people we’re not necessarily comfortable around, while feelings of loneliness and bereavement may be heightened.”

“It is vital that, with regular support services often closed, people know our volunteers are there, available 24/7, if they are struggling.”

Almost 30,000 calls for help were answered last December, with mental health concerns, loneliness and isolation, family and relationships issues among the main concerns raised by callers.

Anyone in need of emotional support can call Samaritans anonymously on freephone 116 123 or email . Volunteers will be on duty throughout the holidays, including Christmas Day.