Three arrested after Galway City drugs raids net €150,000 worth of cocaine


Three people have been arrested after several drugs raids in Galway City turned up almost €150,000 worth of cocaine today.

Searches were carried out by the Divisional Drugs Unit this morning at a number of residential properties in the Doughiska area.

During these searches Gardaí seized quantities of cocaine (pending analysis) with a total estimated street value of €8,900.

A further 2kg cocaine worth approximately €139,000 was later found in a waste ground adjacent to the properties.

Three Rolex watches, one of which has been valued at almost €32,000, and around €2,500 in cash were also seized in the raids, along with a Range Rover Discovery.

Three men, two aged in their 20s and one in his late teens, were subsequently arrested.

They are currently being detained at a Garda station in Co Galway under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996, where They can be held for up to seven days.