Leak repairs save almost 1 million litres of water a day in Galway City

Galway Daily news Water outages expected in Loughrea tomorrow

Leak repair works carried out across Galway City by Usice Eireann have resulted in nearly 1 million litres of water a day being saved.

Uisce Éireann has been working closely with Galway City Council, whose Direct Labour find teams have been identifying and locating significant leaks around the city. Works along the Old Monivea Road in Mervue have resulted in significant savings.

Crews resolved nine separate defects in the pipe network there and achieved a reduction in leakage rates from 38m3/hr to 16m3/hr. This was a saving of 528,000 litres, every day.

That is enough water saved to supply the daily population equivalent of almost 4,000 people (based on average usage of 133 litres of water per person, per day).

Elsewhere, at Castlelawn Heights in Terryland, works carried out on the pipe network successfully isolated and fixed three separate defects, resulting in the leakage rate falling by half, from 36m3/hr down to 18m3/hr.

This saving of 18m3/hr equates to 432,000 litres of clean, treated water saved per day, enough to supply water to the equivalent of 3,250 people every single day.

These leaks were found by the Galway City Council Direct Labour operatives and repairs were carried out by Farrans Construction on behalf of Uisce Éireann.

These leaks were found by the Galway City Council Direct Labour operatives and repairs were carried out by Farrans Construction on behalf of Uisce Éireann.

Enda Mac Namara, Programme Manager with Uisce Éireann, thanked the local communities for their cooperation while these works were underway.

“As a result of these leakage reduction works, customers in Galway City are enjoying a more secure and reliable water supply,” said Enda.

“We were losing valuable clean drinking water underground and water is a precious resource, so to have fixed these leaks and improved the network is a great result. Finding and fixing leaks in the network is an ongoing challenge for us at Uisce Eireann but it is one we are committed to meeting.”

Uisce Éireann is working to reduce the national leakage rate to 25% by 2030, from a high point of 46% back in 2018.