Council identifies vacant buildings which risk CPO if not restored to use


Galway County Council has identified 40 vacant or derelict properties which owners must bring back into use, or potentially see them CPO’d by the county.

The registered owners of the properties have been directed to bring them back into use within a set timeframe or risk having the buildings compulsorily acquired by the Local Authority.

Located in Tuam (9), Loughrea (7), Ballinasloe (7), Connemara (9) and Oranmore/Athenry (8), the properties have been targeted as part of the CPO Activation Programme.

Through this, local authorities are required to adopt a proactive, planned and systematic approach to the identification and activation of vacant and derelict properties.

In a GeoDirectory Vacancy Data Survey undertaken by Galway County Council, 817 properties were deemed vacant and/or derelict, of which 773 were deemed to be vacant and 44 properties were deemed to be vacant and derelict.

In a written communication issued this week, Galway County Council has requested the registered owners of 40 derelict properties to outline how they intend to bring the buildings back into use.

Councillor Albert Dolan, Cathaoirleach of the County of Galway commented, “The CPO Activation Programme will be welcomed by those who want to access home ownership and wish to be given the opportunity to access those properties lying vacant in their communities.”

“This initial activation will give owners opportunities to revitalise their own properties within a defined timeframe with access to various funding support schemes being provided, but, importantly, also gives Galway County Council the authority to compulsorily acquire properties in order to bring them back into use,” added Councillor Dolan.

Liam Conneally, Chief Executive of Galway County Council described the CPO Activation Programme as “a dynamic programme and an opportunity to drive change and progression in the development of town and village centres.”

He continued, “Advice and support schemes are available to those owners who are willing and able to bring their properties back in to use but Galway County Council is equally keen to tackle the issue of properties lying idle in our county.”

Meanwhile, Galway County Council confirmed that significant interest has been received throughout the county in relation to the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grants (Croí Cónaithe) Scheme, which facilitates the transformation of unsightly and vacant properties into dwelling houses over a reasonably short period of time.

465 applications have been received to date of which 283 have subsequently been approved to enter the Vacancy/Dereliction Activation Programme.

The 283 applications that have received initial approval to date are located in Athenry / Oranmore (31), Ballinasloe (60), Connemara (61), Loughrea (71) and Tuam (60), and have been approved for €15,836,250.62 to carry out refurbishment works to their vacant and derelict properties.

According to Michael Owens, Director of Services for Housing, “The Vacant Homes Team is available to advise and assist in bringing these properties back in to use which has been successfully exhibited through the use of the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant.”

“The CPO Activation Programme supports Galway County Council’s aim for every household that has a need to be able to access quality and affordable homes.”

“Bringing vacant homes back in to use will assist in achieving this objective either by supporting owners or the acquiring of properties through legislative means.”