Housing Allocation Scheme change aims to benefit Gaeltacht communities

Galway Daily news housing allocation scheme Gaeltacht

Galway County Council has introduced an amendment to its Housing Allocation Scheme aimed at addressing population decline and strengthening Irish language and culture in parts of Ireland’s largest Gaeltacht.

The amendment will facilitate local authority tenants, originally from the Galway Gaeltacht who have accepted a tenancy outside of the Gaeltacht, to apply for a transfer to facilitate their return to live in the Gaeltacht.

The policy was endorsed by the Local Authority’s Housing SPC and received the unanimous approval of Elected Members at the April Monthly Meeting of Galway County Council.

The amended transfer policy will be implemented in May 2024 subject to the approval of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD.

Welcoming the change, Cllr. Liam Carroll, Cathaoirleach of Galway County Council said, “The amendment will assist in supporting sustainable communities in the Galway Gaeltacht and also will serve to further promote the Irish language as a living language.”

Michael Owens, Director of Services, Housing & Ukrainian Response commented, “Galway County Council is mindful that the county contains the largest and most populous Gaeltacht in the country which is of immense importance.”

“Therefore, it requires careful consideration to ensure it is both preserved and promoted at every opportunity, ensuring the long-term growth and vibrancy of An Ghaeltacht.”

He continued, “The Council also recognises that the Irish language is stronger in some communities than in others.”

“It is considered that this amendment and new approach will further help to address population decline in certain areas of An Ghaeltacht whilst also ensuring the consolidation and strengthening of the Irish language and culture of An Ghaeltacht.”

The Housing Allocation Scheme provides for Galway County Council to maintain a record of households that have applied to transfer to another dwelling.

The record consists of a transfer list of existing tenants, including tenants of leased dwellings, tenants of dwellings provided under the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS), and qualified households who have availed of the Housing Assistance Payment, (HAP) wishing to move to another dwelling.