University of Galway marks Earth Day 2024 with student sustainability leaders


The University of Galway has marked Earth Day 2024 by announcing the winners of the Student Sustainability Leadership Awards: Molly Hickey and Peter O’Neill.

Molly Hickey is a second year BA with human rights student from Co Laois and the Students’ Union Environmental Awareness and Sustainability Officer.

“I am delighted to be a sustainability leadership awardee because it gives me the opportunity to continue working on increasing the University’s sustainability and getting more students involved in it,” she said.

Peter O’Neill is a first-year history student from Ballymacward, Mountbellew, Co Galway. Peter has been involved in youth activism for four years, culminating in representing Ireland at the 13th UNESCO Youth Forum.

“Sustainability has become a defining feature of my work and studies, and I’m really excited to work with the University to encourage an interest in sustainability with students and to get discussion going about the SDGs and what we can do here in Galway.”

Both students receive a €4,000 prize and will take part in an 8-week internship with the University’s new Sustainability Office this summer.

The office has been launched to lead and promote sustainability in all aspects of university activities including teaching, learning, research, operations, governance, and engagement endeavours.

It aims to empower the University’s diverse communities of staff, students and partners to work together in the development of a sustainable campus and to deliver on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

University of Galway President Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said, “As a university that is committed to serving the public good and whose community has defined sustainability as a core value, I am delighted to announce the winners of the Student Sustainability Leadership Awards and the launch of the new Sustainability Office.”

“We are delighted to be recognised as Sustainability Champions and are determined to do more,” Prof Ó hÓgartaigh added.

“I hope that through this office our sustainability efforts will continue and intensify and that we will use the office to highlight the breadth of activities our students and staff are undertaking to advance sustainable solutions and to share our learning with others, playing our part in tackling climate change and preserving our precious biodiversity for generations to come.”